Paramedic Review: Tiny Airways, Big Problems: Pediatric Breathing Emergencies

When a child can't breathe, every second counts. This hour-long discussion of pediatric respiratory emergencies will equip you with the skills to handle everything from the subtle wheeze of early asthma to the terrifying stridor of croup. We'll explore why children aren't just tiny adults when it comes to breathing emergencies, and how to spot the critical differences between a kid who's working hard to breathe and one who's about to crash. Get ready for real-world cases and practical tips that could help you save a young life. Learning Objectives: 1. Differentiate between varying levels of respiratory distress in pediatric patients by identifying key clinical indicators of impending respiratory failure. 2. Apply anatomical differences between pediatric and adult airways to clinical assessment and treatment decisions. 3. Select and modify appropriate interventions for common pediatric respiratory emergencies including asthma, croup, and respiratory failure.

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